Sacred Mixture, Wiener Shaman performance at Eastern Edge Gallery 2016, with Bernardine Stapleton and Vanessa Cardoso Whelan. Photo by Knoah Bender.

Fruithead, created by Sara Tilley and Mark White, She Said Yes! Theatre Company, 2013. Photo by Kyle Bustin.

Fruithead, created by Sara Tilley and Mark White, She Said Yes! Theatre Company, 2013. Photo by Kyle Bustin.

Jack Meets the Cat, directed by Sara Tilley for the Stephenville Theatre Festival, 2014. Featuring Erik Mrakovcic and elephant puppet designed by Tara Manuel, photo by Stephen Tracey.
Jack Meets the Cat, directed by Sara Tilley for the Stephenville Theatre Festival, 2014. Featuring Erik Mrakovcic and Tara Manuel, photo by Stephen Tracey.

Literary Death Match at Wordfest in Calgary, 2015.

Live sketch by Cam Christiansen of my reading at the Literary Death Match at Wordfest in Calgary, 2015.

Clown through Mask students in St. John's NL. Photo by Sara Tilley.

Banff Centre Old Trout Puppet Intensive. Photo by Rita Taylor.

Wiener Shaman reads a fortune outside of Eastern Edge Gallery.
Wiener Shaman gets assistants from the audience, Eastern Edge Gallery. Photo by Mary Macdonald.

Photo by Ryan Davis.

Photo by Ryan Davis.

Fruithead and kite. Signal Hill, St. John's. Photo by Elling Lien.

Final day of Clown through Mask training, picnic on Signal Hill. Fruithead and the gang spotted whales! Photo by Elling Lien.
Figuring out the coat puppet with director Andrea Boyd, For the Love of Gracie Gray.

Nosebleed, first show from She Said Yes! Theatre, 2002. Photo by Darcy Fitzpatrick.

Sara teaches Neutral Mask in Winnipeg for Femfest.

The (In)complete Herstory of Women in Newfoundland (and Labrador!), Sara Tilley, Ruth Lawrence and Susan Kent. Photo by Justin Hall.

The (In)complete Herstory of Women in Newfoundland (and Labrador!), Sara Tilley, Ruth Lawrence and Susan Kent. Photo by Justin Hall.

The (In)complete Herstory of Women in Newfoundland (and Labrador!), Sara Tilley, Ruth Lawrence and Susan Kent. Photo by Justin Hall.

Dedication, by Ed Riche, directed by Charlie Tomlinson. RCA Theatre 2016. Photo by Victoria Wells.

Dedication, by Ed Riche, directed by Charlie Tomlinson. RCA Theatre 2016. Photo by Victoria Wells.

Monarita by Shannon Bramer, with Sara Tilley and Ruth Lawrence. Photo by Victoria Wells.

Monarita by Shannon Bramer, with Sara Tilley and Ruth Lawrence. Photo by Victoria Wells.

INFESTATION, art installation and performance with Jamie Tea and Sarah Smalik, Calgary, 2014. Photo by Diane + Mike Photography.

INFESTATION, art installation and performance with Jamie Tea and Sarah Smalik, Calgary, 2014. Photo by Diane + Mike Photography.

Wiener Shaman plants a Sacred Mixture of plant seeds, glitter, bacon bits, and ashes of fellow clown and artist, David Tuck. Photo by Ritchie Perez.